On the last day of our magical trip to Kauai we took a drive into Waimea Canyon State Park to see the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" before departing. There are several hiking trails within the park for those with the time and energy to explore the vast park by foot. There are so many options it seems as if at least a week could be spent exploring this incredibly unique slice of earth.

Our day started with a stop by Koloa Mill Ice Crem and Coffee in Old Koloa Town for some delicious breakfast sandwiches and coffee before heading up Waimea Canyon Drive. The day was crystal clear with blue skies as we made our way up the steep inclines with stops at Hohonu Awawa Lookout and Red Dirt Waterfall before reaching the heart of the canyon.

We decided to bypass the Waimea Canyon Lookout and stopped shortly thereafter at a small road side pull off to take in some killer views. Following that the larger Waipo'o Falls lookout arrived and we got a great view of the magnificent waterfall.. Helicopters whirled by as we took in the views and looked out over the canyon through a pair of binoculars

After we had relaxed for quite a while we continued onward to the final two lookouts of the drive after passing by the Koke'e Lodge and Koke'e State Park Campground (Reservations 90 days in advance). The marvelous Kalalau Lookout was finally reached and we were able to walk around the large lookout. Seeing the Nā Pali Coast from above after the Bota Tour a couple days earlier was quite the change in perspective. All that's left is for us to hike from top to bottom at some point in the future!

The last stop on our trek was Pu’u O Kila Lookout at the end of the road as everyone was getting a bit tired. We enjoyed the final views from above as the red dirt stuck to our boots. For those visiting Kauai this is a must do drive and worth spending the time to hike around if possible.
